Synthes Settles, Agrees to Stop Giving Stock to Physicians Conducting Clinical Trials

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Again, 'tis the season for legal settlements. From the Newark Star-Ledger,

New Jersey and Pennsylvania-based medical company Synthes reached a settlement today over the company's alleged financial conflicts of interest, which officials are calling a landmark deal, state officials announced today.

The attorney general's office launched an investigation early 2008 into Synthes, which produces devices for treating spinal trauma, to determine whether physicians were financially benefiting from conducting clinical trials on the company's products. Under the agreement, Synthes will no longer pay trial physicians with company stock and must disclose all payments to the physicians and whether the physicians have a financial stake in the outcome of the trial.

Attorney General Anne Milgram, who said such provisions were the first of their kind, said conflicts of interest are common within the medical community.

'It is outrageous that doctors who are testing and, in many cases, recommending the use of certain high-risk medical devices are being compensated with stock in the very companies that make the devices,' said Milgram. 'All patients -- but especially those considering high-risk devices such as spinal disc replacements -- deserve honest, objective clinical trial information about the products available.'

She also criticized the Food and Drug Administration, saying the federal agency was not vigilant enough in regulating Synthes, a $3.2 billion global company.

'Medical device makers have a duty to make certain that clinical trial results are accurate and unbiased,' Milgram said. 'In creating these financial incentives for doctors, Synthes and the rest of the industry have done the exact opposite. Going forward, if the industry will not address this problem voluntarily, we most certainly will.'

What will they think of next? We have seen plenty of cases in which physicians have been given payments that could influence their clinical decision making by companies with products or services to sell. Often, such payments are not disclosed. This is one of the few times I have seen physicians other than those on corporate boards, however, receiving payments in company stock. This would seem to be a new low. It surely would provide a more powerful incentive to make the studies' results favor the company's products than would mere cash payments. At least the settlement will stop this practice, and force disclosure of company payments.

The statements by the state Attorney General were particularly and admirably direct.

However, once again we see some familiar patterns. While human beings authorized or committed the acts that got the organization in trouble, rarely do these people seem to suffer any negative consequences. At most, the organization may pay a fine. In this case, the fine was, in corporate terms, tiny. However, even a large fine, however, may come out of dividends or the stock price, dispersing the cost to stock-holders, or out of salaries across the board. Thus, those who got the organization into trouble are unlikely to feel pain from it. Perhaps because of reverence for all organizations related to health care, and fear that the bankruptcy of any health care organization, even a health care insurance company, will leave patients in the lurch, prosecutors do not seem inclined to actually prosecute such organizations. The net effect, though, seems to be that dishonest executives of health care organizations can continue to act with impunity.Until bad leadership of health care organizations leads to negative consequences for those practicing it, health care leadership can be expected to continuously degrade.

ADDENDUM (6 May, 2009) - See also comments by Merrill Goozner on GoozNews blog.


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